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Focused on Wellness Through Transformative Brain Training

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Flexibility and Resilience

I am a certified basic trainer providing NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback Sessions.

After struggling for over a decade with generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks, I began using 

NeurOptimal® at a local counseling office.  I did ~15 sessions, all of which were profoundly relaxing.  In 

fact, I almost always fell asleep.  But this relaxation permeated through to all facets of my life.  I started being more creative, I earned an innovation award at my workplace, and I even communicated better as a mom and wife.

When my daughter began her own journey with anxiety and ADHD in 2022, I decided

to invest in my own NeurOptimal® unit and our family began to train. 

The transformation is undeniable. 

My daughter's school performance went from not meeting 3rd grade guarantee to not needing conferences in 4th grade because she's making A grades.  Her panic attacks ceased to exist (as have mine, years ago). 

Our marriage improved because we can communicate better. 

We are calmer. 

We can simplify. 

We can focus on what is important right now- in this present moment.


If you would like to learn more about this ground-breaking technology, please contact me!


Present Minds Ohio, LLC was founded in 2022 in Newark, Ohio.



"Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think."

Albert Einstein

Contact Us

2536 Park Ridge Court, Newark, OH, USA

(978) 835-5338

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Present Minds Ohio, LLC

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